So now that I have completed 12 films in 12 months, what’s coming up for 2009? Well first of all, I’m not going to be diving straight into another 12 films this year. I’m looking forward to spending some time with my wife and having a free weekend or two. As much as I’m proud of the films I created and as much as I enjoyed the experience of making movies all year and the experience and learning that it brought, I’m looking forward to a couple months where I don’t feel the self-induced pressure to write, cast, plan, shoot, edit, score, and mix a film every 30 days or so.
All that being said, this blog and the films I made are certainly not going away and I’ve got a couple things in the works relating to the 12 Films. First of all, I’m working on a screening of all 12 films within the next month. The plan is to rent out a theater here in San Diego and spend an evening screening and sharing stories from the 12 films we produced this last year. I’m still working on securing the theater so stay tuned for the exact date and location.
I’m also hoping to submit some more of the films to festivals throughout the next year. Having “Mystery Box” accepted to the San Diego Film Festival was an honor and a dream come true. But my hope is to now take even more of the short films I completed and submit them to all sorts of festivals and have them screened before many different audiences. I will of course announce any festival screenings here on the blog so stay tuned for that as well.
I will continue to post short films and creative videos from others, assorted videos that I work on, filmmaking resources and thoughts, and more here on the 12 Films blog.
You can keep up with what’s going on in a few ways. You can subscribe to this blog, either through RSS reader (if you don’t use any particualar reader, a couple popular ones are Google Reader and Bloglines) or via email. You can find the RSS feed here or in the sidebar to right and you can subscribe via email by entering your email into the box in the sidebar. You can also keep up by following me on Twitter.
If you’re new to the site, thanks for checking it out. If you’ve been following the films for a while, thank you so much for your viewership, participation, and support over the last year of filmmaking. Here’s to great 2009!